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Here is a quick guide for signing up for the course wordpress blog.

  1. Go to the login URL for your course site (it will be posted on the course Titanium page, but will always be your course URL followed by /wp-admin)
  2. Click the “Log in with a password”
  3. If you have not already received an e-mail prompting you to set up your account, as your user name, enter your Fullerton username (everything that appears before @cas.fullerton.edu in your e-mail address), and as your password enter “password”
  4. If you have received an e-mail that prompted you to set up your account, follow the directions and log in with the password you set up.
  5. After you’ve logged in, you should see the “dashboard” which looks like this:Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 4.24.15 PM
  6. In the left-hand menu, hover the cursor over “profile” and click on the “your profile” link that appears.
  7. Scroll down until you see the “reset password” button. Click on it.
  8. You are then able to either copy the (very secure) password generated for you or create your own. You might have to (as I did in this example) agree that your password is not very good (i.e. click the “confirm use of weak password” radio box)
  9. This page is also the place that you can change your displayed user name (by default, your user name will be your CSUF handle)
  10. Once you’re done, click “update profile”

You are now a  blog author!

Posting in WordPress (if you are not using your own domain)
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