Warning: Undefined variable $num in /home/shroutdo/public_html/courses/wp-content/plugins/single-categories/single_categories.php on line 126
Warning: Undefined variable $posts_num in /home/shroutdo/public_html/courses/wp-content/plugins/single-categories/single_categories.php on line 127
You can access your subdomain by attaching /wp-admin to the end of your subdomain URL and log in using the username and password you specified when you created the subdomain.
You can also access it by logging into Reclaim hosting, though that takes a few steps:
- Go to www.reclaimhosting.com
- Click on the “Client Area Login” link
- Once you have entered your e-mail address and password, click on the “cpanel” link in the middle of the page
- At the very top of the cpanel page, you should see a box labeled “applications.” In that box, is an icon labeled “My Apps”
- On the next page, you will see a series of installations. To login to the subdomain you have created for this class, scroll down until you see the appropriate URL and click on the link that ends with “wp-admin.” You will not have to enter another password, and you will have access to your blog!
Logging into your Reclaim account