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Here is a quick guide for signing up for the course wordpress blog.
- Go to the login URL for your course site (it will be posted on the course Titanium page, but will always be your course URL followed by /wp-admin)
- Click the “Log in with a password”
- If you have not already received an e-mail prompting you to set up your account, as your user name, enter your Fullerton username (everything that appears before @cas.fullerton.edu in your e-mail address), and as your password enter “password”
- If you have received an e-mail that prompted you to set up your account, follow the directions and log in with the password you set up.
- After you’ve logged in, you should see the “dashboard” which looks like this:
- In the left-hand menu, hover the cursor over “profile” and click on the “your profile” link that appears.
- Scroll down until you see the “reset password” button. Click on it.
- You are then able to either copy the (very secure) password generated for you or create your own. You might have to (as I did in this example) agree that your password is not very good (i.e. click the “confirm use of weak password” radio box)
- This page is also the place that you can change your displayed user name (by default, your user name will be your CSUF handle)
- Once you’re done, click “update profile”
You are now a blog author!
Posting in WordPress (if you are not using your own domain)