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Once you have set up a wordpress account, you are ready to post!
Login to your Catapult account.
Navigate to the “my apps” button and click on it.
Locate the subdomain that you created for this class (it should be called YourLastName’s DCS 204 Blog)
Click on the link that ends in /wp-admin.
Once you log in, you will see a page like this – this is the WordPress “Dashboard”
Look at the upper bar of the dashboard, there should be a plus sign with the word new next to it. Hover over that and click on “post” in the menu that appears
Click on the “Add title” box and create a catchy title for your post (not just “Post for Class”). Then click on the “start writing or type / to choose a block” and write the required word amount. When you are done, click publish!
For more about what WordPress means by blocks, check out this tutorial.