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Some terminology:

  • Top Level Domain: Sometimes also known as “roots” – these are the highest level in the hierarchical domain system. Top Level Domains always come at the end of URLs, and include .com, .org, .edu, .usa etc. For a list of all of the top level domains, see here
  • Subdomain: Technically, every part of a url that is not the top level domain is a subdomain
  • Your Domain: Your domain is technically a “second level” or a “subdomain.” Second level domains typically tell the user the person/company/organisation that owns the address. In www.google.com, “google” is the second level domain. In www.wikipedia.com, “wikipedia” is the second level domain
  • Your Subdomain: For this class, you have been asked to create a dedicated subdomain. When we are talking in class or in meetings, and I say “your subdomain” this is what I am referring to. It will be something like www.atlantichistory.yourdomain.com.
  • Applications: You can install applications on your domains and subdomains. However, you can only install one application per subdomain. Each individual application installed on a subdomain is called an “instance.” For example, “I see you have a wordpress instance at wwww.courses.shroutdocs.org”
  • WordPress: WordPress is a blogging application. Like any application, it can be installed. During the installation, you will be asked to select a user name and password. That username and password is only for that instance of wordpress. You will have to set up individual user names and passwords at each wordpress instance (though they can be the same). Once installed, you can work within the application without having to fiddle with the installer. This is similar to applications you have on your computer or phone – once they are installed via the app store, you don’t need to use the app store to access them.
Some Domains terminology
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