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If you are going to be doing a lot of writing and citing, it will be helpful to have Zotero on your personal computer. DO NOT attempt to install Zotero on school computers.
Step 1. Navigate to www.zotero.org and click the Download Now button.
Step 2. Make sure the correct operating system is selected. (For example, if your computer is a Mac, make sure to click the download for Mac)
Step 3. After you have downloaded the installer, follow instructions to install Zotero.
Step 4. Log into Zotero desktop with the account you created for this class.
Step 5. Install the “connector” for your preferred browser. This lets you automatically pull information about sources into your Zotero library.
Step 6. Install the “connector” for your word processor of choice. Navigate to https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_integration and select the installer that matches the word processor you use.
Step 7. Restart your browser and word processor. Start using Zotero!
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