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Complete this homework in a separate word document. Submit it on Lyceum (section A) (section B) by the start of class on Thursday, September 13th.
Part I – Personal Data Census
Pick one (typical) three hour period over the next two days to complete a personal data census. During this period, keep track of every time new data (of any kind) is collected about you. Your personal census should include the kind of data you suspect was collected, but also any other relevant information. Keep track of the data in whatever form you want – you’ll be structuring it in the next part of the assignment.
Part II – Structuring your data
Now that you have a sense of the data that you produce in one day, we are going to transform it into a very simple spreadsheet.
1. Go to www.collabedit.com and click on “Create New Document.”
2. When prompted, enter your name (or a made-up name)
3. We are going to make a .csv file (comma separated values) by hand. Each line of text represents a series of columns. Each column is separated by a comma. First create your first row, by entering Date, Time, Data Collected, Comments. For each subsequent row, enter a data item you collected (i.e. 9/10/18, 5:00 PM, Bates Login, This happens every time I log into my computer).
4. Enter one row for each new kind of data that you know (or suspect) was collected about you.
5. Once you have entered in all of the data, click the download link.
6. Change the name of the file you downloaded to yourlastname.csv (your computer might ask you if you are sure you want to change the file type. You are sure. It should be .csv and not .txt)
7. Open the file, to see if it looks like a spreadsheet
8. Upload the file.