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This assignment moves us towards the final project.
First, come up with three questions about the relationship between different aspects of our data. For example: What was the relationship between an interviewee’s national background and the positivity with which they spoke about their work in Lewiston?
Then, for each question, identify:
- At least two tools or methods that we have covered so far that will help you to explore this question
- One additional kind of data that you would require to satisfactorily answer this question.
- One aspect of the data that we already have that would need to be better cleaned or systemetized to satisfactorily answer this question.
If you have identified questions that do not require additional data and cleaning, refine and expand your questions.
DO NOT include your name or identifying information in your submission. I will grade anonymously and then release the grades.
Three ideas are due by the start of class on October 30th. Submit here: (Section A) (Section B)