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Digital history is a fast-growing and exciting field that is changing the way historians work and think. This class provides an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in semester-long projects in digital environments. The course is tailored to support students researching and creating digital sites. Possible projects include digital archives, exhibitions, publications, or any other iteration of digital history students may imagine, all with an eye toward public engagement with historical topics and themes.

This class borrows from the lab format used in the sciences and social sciences. Together with the college archives and special collections, we will build, analyze and critique humanities datasets. Final projects will build on the work we have undertaken in class so far. Class time will be allocated to discussion as well as directed work time.



  • Understand how different types of historical data are constructed.
  • Produce digital historical data.
  • Distinguish between different digital and analog approaches to the study of history, and choose the best tool for different jobs.
  • Understand the affordances and drawbacks different digital approaches to American history.
  • Engage with the public through digital history projects.
  • Use both traditional historical and digital methods to digest scholarly works.
  • Assess both scholarly works on digital history and works of digital history.
  • Create and curate an online presence using your own web domain