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You are expected to read, digest and consider all of each week’s readings. For each reading, highlight terms that you are unfamiliar with, think require elucidation. Enter them as status updates in the course Known tagged as #glossary and we will discuss them in class.


Reading responses.

SEVEN times during the semester, you will post substantive commentary on the class’s reading to the course blog.


This blog is meant to be a conversation amongst scholars (you and your peers). These should be more than simple summaries – they should demonstrate a critical consideration of the week’s reading. Through these response papers, you will develop the skills necessary to critically read historical monographs and articles.


The responses will be broken down as follows:

  • 1 will be an introduction / discussion of your digital footprint
  • 6 will be commentary on the week’s reading, which should result from a close reading of all of the texts. To receive full credit, all texts must be discussed. These posts must also substantively reference a colleague’s work. In addition, they must reference at least one post (by you or someone else) earlier in the semester. (So, reference at least two other posts each week)


These responses should be between 250 and 350 words, and can be written with informal, personal prose. However, direct references to others’ work must be accompanied by a citation or hyperlink.


These responses will be assessed as:

  • Excellent (nuanced commentary on both readings and peer responses): 100
  • Satisfactory (commentary on both readings and peer responses free of factual errors): 80
  • Unsatisfactory (did not comment on all of the readings or did not comment on peer responses or did not refer back to a post from earlier in the semester substantive factual errors): 50
  • No submission: 0


Your overall response grade will be an average of the grades of your ten responses.


You will select the classes for which you will post during the first week of class. Posts must be up by the MIDNIGHT before class.