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- What is “the Atlantic world”?
- What do you think are major turning points in Atlantic history and why?
- What happens when we shift perspective to an Indian or African Atlantic? How do traditional stories of contact and colonization change?
- When and why might historians adopt an Atlantic framework?
- How has Atlantic history shaped the historical narratives being produced today?
Command of information – by the end of the semester you should know:
- Major political, social and economic themes that have shaped the “Atlantic World” between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries.
- Histories of polities around the Atlantic basin, including those in Europe, the Americas and Africa
- Major debates surrounding Atlantic history.
- Genealogy of Atlantic history
- Extant arguments about why Atlantic history favors some historical narratives over others.
Historical skills – by the end of the semester you should be able to:
- Construct an argument about the temporal limits of “the Atlantic World”
- Clearly express ideas and arguments through writing and speech.
- Read, digest and analyze scholarly work on history.
- Use and critique the use of primary sources in making historical arguments.
- Apply the skills learned in history classrooms to their extra-academic lives.
- Identify and apply Chicago Manual of Style citation standards