Warning: Undefined variable $num in /home/shroutdo/public_html/courses/wp-content/plugins/single-categories/single_categories.php on line 126
Warning: Undefined variable $posts_num in /home/shroutdo/public_html/courses/wp-content/plugins/single-categories/single_categories.php on line 127
You could hand-code individual posts, but it’s easier to use post-styling provided by CSS. Once you have added CSS to your site, use these code blocks to add posts:
Replace “This is a blog post heading” with the title of your post.
Replace “This area contains blog body” with your post. Separate your paragraphs with <p> tags.
<div class="blog-post">
<div class="blog-heading">
This is a blog post heading.
<div class="blog-body">
This area contains blog body.
Hi there.
Adding Posts to your HTML Page