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Emergency Preparedness: To be able to respond effectively in an emergency, be sure to note (a) fire alarm pull station locations, (b) evacuation map including the class’s outside meeting area, (c) emergency procedures for fire, medical emergency, hazardous materials release, earthquake and dangerous situations, and (d) location of nearest emergency phone.  Any person with special needs is encouraged to speak with the instructor privately.  All campus personnel are required to participate in all campus-wide drills.  More emergency preparedness information can be found at the Classroom Preparedness website. The emergency procedures (c above) that you need to follow in our class are detailed in the classroom guide at the end of this syllabus.


If an emergency disrupts normal campus operations or causes the University to close for a prolonged period of time (more than three days), students are expected to complete the course assignments listed on the syllabus as soon as it is reasonably possible to do so.